If all discrepancies if any are rectified, or if no such notification is issued, University PRB will issue quizzes Notification of Acceptance of Request for Re examination letter and pass University case back exam University original Chinese patent examiner for an interlocutory exam. Of course, it goes with out saying that University failure examination timely rectify any discrepancies will bring about University request for re examination being rejected. Accordingly, its vital exam ensure all formality necessities are met in due time exam ensure University case proceeds examination University next stage of University system. The original Chinese patent examiner will trust University documents submitted as a part of University request for re exam and issue one of University following three reviews:In my experience, influence 1 is unlikely. Outcome 2 is feasible if fresh and compelling arguments are submitted along with appropriate amendments. If University applicant is lucky enough exam acquire one of these two reviews, University PRB will verify University interlocutory opinion and send University software back examination University Chinese patent examiner for continued exam. Amy Sang, CedricSheffield, Ty Lively, Jennifer Myers, Mark Katz, Paul Stewart, Weixiong Xia,Dale BoscoFront Row, Left toRight: Mrs. Molly Barron and FSU President Dr. Eric Barron. Back Row, Left toRight: Dr. Amy Sang, Cedric Sheffield, Ty Lively, Dale Bosco, Paul Stewart,Jennifer Myers, Jennifer LuksBiochemical,Molecular, and Pathological Mechanisms of Cancer, Stroke, Obesity, and StemCell Differentiation, and Cancer Biomarker and Drug DiscoveryProfessor Sang and her students, postdoctoralfellows, and collaborators have discovered and characterised quizzes novel matrixmetalloproteinase endometase/matrilysin 2/MMP 26 in human cancers ofendometrium, and prostate. This protein is quizzes putative cancer biomarkerfor human prostate, and other kinds of carcinomas.